Also, having trouble with one of my emails, not getting some post alerts from visitors and a few other send/receiving emails. Promise to get back to you when it gets worked out! :)
Here is a Free image for you to use in your paper art or for friends {this makes a cute card to print off} :)

This Darling "Farmhouse Luxury Apron"....handmade by my Beautiful Mother, Nancy.
I am listing a few things for her as she is out of pocket for a while.
I will be out of pocket here and there myself, but I will stop in for a visit as I can, thanks for visiting me :).......available at my Etsy~

And the Adorable Little girl's Rabbit Coat and Bonnet at her Etsy:

Another July Blog Banner:

Sold: Thank you Jayne :)

New Goodes from me and my mom too {all sold, thank you!}~~~
Beautiful Handmade Brooch from my Beautiful Mother {sold to Jayne at Bunny Chic Boutique...thank you!}......made from a vintage collar and laces at my Ebay.

Also at my Ebay:

My etsy:

My etsy as well:

New Items at my Etsy and Ebay-----
I have been so Busy with work stuff and several other things, hoping to stop in for a visit with everyone asap! Hope everyone is enjoying the's really nice here, but I sure feel the heat of the summer coming {ugh!}
***Added a new Freebie at the bottom of this post***
Also, not normally one to share my private mail, but laughing with a few friends about being on "Brain Overload" or being ~really backed up on mail~ and this is one of my reasons {having 14,437 emails}, it being a part time job going through mail! So at times I am a little slow at my email, which is very aggravating!

New goodes at my ETSY and EBAY
~~~~~~~~~~~All Sold, Thank YOU!! :) Except for the New Sewing Susan Papier Set and My mom's latest jacket just listed and listing another necklace or two of my mom's in a few days~

Another adorable jacket my mom made :)

A few things in the shed....

Love these shoes and the label inside~


Marlo loves a good joke~

Bee out back....they are cute, they all have yellow pollen all over their face...

Not sure what this plant is with the curly~Q' just popped up in my ivy out back about 2 or 3 years ago. It's tall and I think it looked like a sunflower, but can't remember {I don't think sunflowers have thorns}...........does he curly vine look familiar to anyone?

What are YOU lookin' at!?

A crane {or technically a heron....has that dark orange color eye....anyone know specifically?}.....visits often, usually never have my camera when I see it.
It visits the water in the creek and has a ton of little fish in there I'm sure they are snacking on....

Another little bee....will have to look this one up, not sure what species it is...

Jewelry to wear or for Altered Arts at my Ebay

Already into the month of April {Now it's May!!!}...seems it was the start of March 2 weeks ago!
Been Super busy here, one of the many "to~do's" I have been working on is my Sweet Mother's pages for her creations and photos. I have Amazing parent's and we are so Blessed to be such a close knit family. My Mother is a One of a Kind many girls {that are 38 yrs. old} can say they have never had words with their Mother! She has always been very talented in anything she does.....painting, decorating, sewing {clothes, pillows, teddy bears, rabbits, etc}, making Anything: Altered Art, decoupage....starting years ago when I was a little girl, before I knew what any of this was :)
I just helped her set up her Blog/Etsy/Flickr pages, if you get a chance, check out her pages here:

I have been looking for a Dress Form for a long time, only seen 2 or 3 and none of them did anything for me visually. My mom saw this scrolled metal one out one day and I went to buy it, brought it home and thought a few minutes what I could do to "make her whole" as it was just an open~scroll, plain outer shell....started stuffing her with tissue and sprayed it with tea stain and glitter when I got done. I'm not much on stark white tissue {or anything stark white for that matter}, wanted it to look aged. Then I started pulling the tissue to make her a "skirt", put on one of my vintage blouses, a necklace my mom made, a cheap metal piece I bought a long time ago for a "Crown" and added wings for finishing touch.

A little vintage compact and Button Tag set I Altered at my Etsy.

Send me your favorite photos of your children or grandchildren for some added sweetness for scrapbooks or treasured keepsakes.....Will post more pics when I get a few mintues......

The other day inside the house, I could hear the squirrel out back "chattering"...usually they are talking to something, usually one of the cats out it's a distinctive noise they make. But, I also heard my cat meowing and chattering {they usually chatter to birds, but they will do the same to squirrels}, I went to the back bathroom where Marlo {my cat} was in the window and she was chattering at the squirrel too, then the squirrel would chatter back. This went on for several minutes, then the squirrel had enough and took off over the roof.

Over the years all of my sweet kitties have found their favorite hiding spots. Marlo has had a good one for about 2 weeks, she is normally in the bay window, out on the pool table, or at my feet. I have looked everywhere, in all the good spots, never could find her at certain times. Kept going back to look under the bed in my art room and noticed the material under my box spring....sagging....when it was not and should not be sagging. The dust ruffle was hiding her I guess, when I pulled up on it, I saw this:

Obviously, she did a little scratching with her claws making a hole big enough for her little tush to squeeze through.
Made 2 FREEBIES for you to use in your Paper Artwork for fun or to incorporate into your Paper Art to sell {obviously, not in collage sheets or cd's} on them, when they open to their full size, right click and save to your computer.