Creating and cleaning up my Art Room.......Some new, some sold. More collage sheets at my Etsy :)
~~~Be sure to click on images to make them Larger.....better view :)

Some new collage sheets and paper goods at my ETSY:

Below are some FREE Easter images for you to save and use.....just click on the pic, then right click and save~~
Spring is in the air......but soon leaving soon. As the heat is coming for good 'ol Summer.
Time on the computer is few and far between, as we are out and about playing with the kids & on endless errands. As with the likeness of having a new home, what is not so likable {to me, may not bother others} I am not a fan of Not having mature bushes and trees, I am not used to it, me Nooooo likie!!! Our other house had mature bushes and trees {it was my own park and serenity}.
So, I am tickled to watch many of my trees and bushes at our new house, get blooms and start growing from Spring.
We have had a few feathered visitors.....we have had barn swallows sleeping on the back patio for several weeks {altho, only one has come back the last week, so not sure what has happened to the other one}....and we have 2 hummingbirds that eat ALL day. But that is good, as we enjoy watching them :)
We enjoy seeing the cows, bulls and horses as we leave out the back of our addition.
When I get a few minutes throughout the day, I will quickly head to my art room and see how much I can cut, stamp, glue, burn and dust with glitter. Ahhhhh if folks only knew how great Art is as therapy and calming ....just does something to our little Soul.
Sharing some pics of my brothers house.....we all like old/antiques/collectibles, I think he has some really cool stuff and he ain't a bad decorator either! :)