Etsy Large Cover Photo Designs......Instant Download {after purchase} Welcome banners :)
Visit my other sites for image ideas as well...
Birthday Photo Shoot for my Beauty....She turned a Big 7 yrs. old
My Halloween Heroes:
And Poof!.....Halloween is Over
Now on to Thanksgiving and Christmas....why does it go by so fast.
Fall decor....this is one of my favorite pics in our first home...
How cute are my little visitors waiting on breakfast each morning~~~
There are usually anywhere from 20~80 on the fence and roof line waiting....
Gulf Shores AL

My Sweet Girl
My Sweets:
Love my hostas and groundcover:
Ever changing Table Centerpiece....
After losing my Beautiful Mother on May 12, 2015, my world stopped.
There are no words to explain the heartbreak of losing my best friend and my beautiful mother.
My wanting to create stopped and creating is a huge part of my soul.
She was the perfect mother, wife and Nana. She was always creating, cleaning, giving, funny, positive, sharing and we never had bad words, ever.
{I have a huge problem with rude, negative, unkind, not giving, cynical, all around miserable people to be around}....but God takes my mother instead, the things we will never understand.
Trying to stay busy cleaning, organizing, waiting on Spring to start back digging in the yard...of course the kids keep me super busy as well. She is on my mind, every minute of the day and night.
My Moma took a huge part of my heart when she left us....
..................It has been a year now, May 12, 2016 {now 2 years this May 12, 2017}
and my heart is still broken. Time does not heal, for me yet anyway....I am a big believer in "time heals", "you will get past this" are for folks that were not very close to the person they lost.
You are forced to walk through the every days of life, working, tending to kids, school work, laundry, cooking, yard work, cleaning and these things tiring~ly give you a few minutes of distraction.
We got a new little kitty, we named her Sparrow :)
Trying to get my kids rooms settled and cleaned up. Figured I would take a few pics while they were "mostly clean".
My girls room:
My boys Room:

I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. She sounds and looks like she was beautiful inside and out. Life does seem unfair sometimes and I guess we will never know why. I'm sending a virtual hug as you remember her today.
I really enjoyed the pictures f your daughter's fairy tale like! She must love it! I'd love to see more pictures of your home.
Thanks so much for you visit and comment---it was so sweet and it makes my day when I meet someone new. Hope you are having a wonderful day, Tiffany!
Jane x
Thank you Jane for visiting and your sweet comments :)
welcome back! so happy to be able to visit you again. Im really sorry about your mom. youre so lucky to have had such a wonderful mother. I got jipped in that department.. but I try to be that for my kids..
OMG.. those bedrooms! magical! lucky kids! I need to do something with my own room.. its a disaster! lol!
well keep posting my friend and I'll be sure to visit. Ive added you to my blog list, so you'll pop up whenever you post.. that way I wont miss a post..
one more thing.. how did you add music to your blog?
happy leap day!
Hi Viv! Thanks for visiting and your comments :) I appreciate you stopping by. I will pm you about the music.
So sorry for your loss your Mother sounds like a wonderful person you must keep creating fill your heart with memories while creating ...she would hate for you to be so down... your much to beautiful inside and out a large part because of your mamma ox
I somehow don't remember the post about your mother's passing. I am so sorry. A huge loss. We all wonder along with you. . .why this person instead of another, one of the grand mysteries, yes. Love and prayers to you, Tiff. ♥
Oh my dear one,
I am so sorry, I know from experience that those words really can't express true feeling. Your mother sounds like an amazing person. I like to think my son has met her. He passed 8 months today and the wound is so open and fresh but God is good.
Your house is amazing and reflects the love you put into everything. Although I do't blog much, I love my banners.
Sending much love and prayers your way.
P.S. I love the music!
Hello darling... I am SO SORRY about the loss of your mother.. I have a mom just like her, and I can't imagine ever losing her. I'm sending prayers and good juju your way!! Love sparrow, how sweet and after seeing your kids rooms I am definitely moving in! LOL LOL..
take care you sweet angel!
P.S. you and your mom could be twins!
Thanks you so much Diana, Val, Barb and Lola for stopping by. I appreciate your kind words, It means alot~~
Barb, I see your comments are disabled, nor can I get your email to pop up. Just know I am thinking of you and heartbroken with you......
Love this post.
Aww Tiffany, I am so sorry for your heart break. I understand all to well, it is 2 years since my Mother went to heaven. She is saving me a seat, and watches over me every day, I think of her every single day. How wonderful we had a Mom that loved us so much, and meant so much in our lives. Your Mother is watching over you and yours too. We will see them again, and how good is God.
I hope all the flooding is not in your area of Texas.
Hi Marcie~
Thank you for your sweet comments, so sorry about your mom as well. Yes, indeed, so nice to of had wonderful mothers.....I desperately miss mine.
We have had a few heavy rains {expecting more tomorrow, pretty severe}, so far, we have missed major flooding and worse. I do love the rain, but the severe weather can leave us alone! :)
Thanks for stopping by, hope you are good.
xoxo Tiff
Hi Tiffany,
I lost my sister to lung cancer on February 29th.
We are both at a loss at this time, but I know they are in good hands and have perfect peace which is better than world we live in. A greater loss would be... not receiving joy from your beautiful work!!
We will see our love one's again and I am sorry for your loss also. Walk by faith and trust God's ultimate wisdom. Love,Linda Frey
Linda, thank you for visiting and sharing about your sister. It is a heartbreak indeed. I'm trying to continue with my art and things, my heart is just not in it as it was. Today is one year and it still hurts as bad.
Sorry for the loss of your sister.
Oy, the one-year mark. I'm sorry, Tiffany. This whole past week mustvhave been so bittersweet.
So sorry for your loss. I don't think time heals the pain of loss, it just sort of eases it after awhile. Keeping busy is a good thing, but I do hope you are feeling the desire to create once again for your own sake and sense of self. Your kids' rooms are really lovely.
And, yes, the entrance I posted leads to my husband's aunt's apartment. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world.
Best wishes,
So sorry for your loss with regards to your Mum...and it would be especially difficult losing her around Mother's Day...My Mum also died in January and l miss her heaps. Wishing you kind thoughts and best wishes.
So nice to see your blog again
My world was crushed also when my Mother died suddenly
it's horrible ,you can't say anything else about it
It's a HUGE loss in our lives
you children are adorable
HI Tiffany. Im so glad youre blogging again. Congrats on your new artful venture! I think you need to have a positive artful outlet.. so this will be good for you. I know losing your mother has taken a toll on you. but somehow I think your mom would not want you to be sad or heavy hearted. I know she would want just the opposite for you. She gave you her joyful spirit, Im sure of it. I hope you are finding lots of joyfilled moments everyday. I know they are there for you.
Your children have beautiful bedrooms. you have done a great job on them. You are a very talented designer!
Much love and hugs!
Tiffany, it's been a looong time visiting but I wanted to express my deepest sympathy for the loss of your Mother. I lost mine when I was 8 yrs old...this many years later, the pain is almost palpable, especially as the Holidays are approaching. My prayers go up for you that God will ease this pain for you. Hugs! -Patricia
Patricia......Thank you so much for sharing your loss with me. Only 8 when you lost your mom, I know that was so very hard. The pain is truly unbearable, she was my world. Yes, the Holidays are even worse, but a simple regular day is too heartbreaking as well. I guess when you love someone so much....a day without, is yet another heartbreaking day.
Blessing to you, thank you for writing~~
Congratulations on your design opportunity! :)
My dear Tiffany Jane, what a joy to visit you on this Monday morning. The musi on your blog is simply delightful and brought a smile to my face :)
I was so sad to read that it's been a year since you lost your precious mom....oh, I am so sorry! I can imagine that time has not healed your wounds as mother's are very dear and special. Please know that I am praying for you as you find comfort in the arms of the Lord.
Hugs to you!
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